Charity Registration No: 1171790 VAT reg no: 333538701 01729 823626 Kendal Road Giggleswick Settle North Yorkshire BD24 0BU

Settle Area Swimming Pool

more than just a pool

Recent News

21 Jul 2024

The pool annual meeting held on July 18 was told that following last winter’s financial crisis, Settle Area Swimming Pool is now operating on a sound footing.

Pool users and supporters heard that a number of measures had helped avert the crisis that at one point threatened the closure of the centre.

The drop in energy prices had been a major factor with the monthly gas bill now half the £5,000 it had been earlier in the year. Other factors identified by outgoing chair Colin Coleman were the £27,000 in donations received, mainly as a result of fund-raising events; a revised insurance policy that had freed up £40,000 for investment; and the £21,000 from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund that had been used to extend the bank of solar panels and as a result would cut energy bills still further. The two charity shops that raise more than £80,000 a year and are staffed entirely by volunteers remain crucial to the success of the pool.

The meeting was told that the number of centre users was up, especially in the fitness classes and that thanks to the efforts of staff and trustees the pool was now operating more efficiently.

Several trustees stepped down at the annual meeting, including chair Colin Coleman. A plea was made for pool supporters to consider standing as trustees next year when treasurer Rosie Sanderson is due to step down and a replacement will be needed for that crucial role.

Chris Hirst and Mike Smith are now joint chair of trustees and Ken Larkins and Ian Dryburgh have joined the board – Ian as vice chair. The retiring trustees Iain Crossley and Rob Brown were thanked for their contribution and special mention was made of former trustee Elaine Owen who sadly died earlier this year, after making a great contribution especially in the areas of health and safety and insurance.

The annual meeting coincided with the 50th anniversary of the start of work on the pool building in 1974 and to mark the occasion Chris Petrie, whose father, Kevin, chaired the trustees for a number of years spoke of his family’s contribution to the pool and read a piece on pool history written by his father a number of years ago.

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Barbie Beer and Bop, Revival Of The Fittest
16 Jul 2024

Revival Of The Fittest are a popular local Settle based Rock & Roll/Blues band formed by 5 friends who love to play music together. Following on from the incredible success of last year’s fund-raising event for the Settle Mobile Cancer unit (Hope For tomorrow). This year they are putting on an event for “The Victoria Hall”, “Settle Swimming Pool” and “The Principal Trust Children’s Charity”.  With the help of the Victoria Hall the band have been able organise a wonderful fund-raising night. We will be playing songs from the 50’s-60’s-70’s onwards, that everyone will know and enjoy. All profits will be shared by these three important charities.

Tickets are Adults £10.00 Children £2.50 and can be purchased at the Victoria Hall ticket office, or on-line at

Tickets will also be on-sale at both of our Settle Pool Charity shops on Settle main street and here at the pool itself.

The event will kick-off at 5.30pm with an outdoor barbeque in Miss Victories Gardens next to the hall (Weather Permitting). If it’s raining, don’t worry, we can move indoors. The band will start at 7.00pm.

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11 Jul 2024

Friends and supporters of Settle Area Swimming Pool are invited to an open evening and AGM to be held at the pool on Thursday 18 July from 7pm - 9pm.

For a copy of the Agenda for the forthcoming meeting please follow this link

For a copy of last year's AGM meeting minutes please follow this link


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New solar panels help cut pool’s electric bill
23 Jun 2024

A second bank of solar panels has now been installed on the pool roof, generating more electricity and so helping cut our fuel bills.

The project was funded by the £21,000 grant awarded to the pool in the second round of the Swimming Pool Support Fund administered by Sport England. This round of funding was aimed at making pools across the country more energy efficient.

The installation of the new bank of panels took place in early June, meaning the effect will be felt immediately  during the summer months, when most electricity will be generated.

Thanks to Emma Lonsdale for the drone photographs showing the new bank of panels on the roof nearest the car park. 

Pool finances have also been boosted recently by the expected reduction in the latest gas bill as a result of the fall in wholesale gas prices.

An update on the overall state of pool finances will be given to the pool annual meeting to be held  in the fitSpace area on Thursday July 18 starting at 7pm

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Welcome back to Settle Pool - more than just a pool

We are EXCITED to invite you to our swimfitSpace, and café. The full timetable is here. Please click here to register for online booking. You can hire the pool and fitSpace together or separately for children's parties

Read about our new great value Membership Passes for swimming and fitSpace classes here

See highlights of our new Fundraising Events here

*** Donations for our charity shops should be taken to the container in the swimming pool car park on Tuesdays and Fridays 9.30am to 12.30pm ***

Note if you are having trouble viewing our timetable on your phone/tablet in portrait orientation please view in landscape instead

How to book a session

You can make bookings online, on the telephone, or by walking into reception. Here's how we prioritise the different ways to make a booking...

Online bookings through the ClubRight App have top priority. This is on Apple and Google app stores
Bookings made over the telephone have next priority. Please call 01729 823626 weekdays between 10am - 12 noon
You can also walk in to the reception desk, and make a booking IF there is space

The small print

If you wish to contact us urgently, send an email to or or through our online booking service or social media pages.

Full details including all procedures are in our Terms and Conditions.

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