Charity Registration No: 1171790 VAT reg no: 333538701 01729 823626 Kendal Road Giggleswick Settle North Yorkshire BD24 0BU


Roof Solar Panels

The pool has received a grant of £20,000 as part of the second phase of the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund. This phase is specifically aimed at helping pools become more energy efficient and the Settle money will be used to extend our bank of solar panels, which have helped cut our electricity bill since being installed two years ago.

Commenting on the award pool chair Colin Coleman said: "We are delighted that Settle Pool has been successful in our bid for funding from the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund. This grant will enable us to add to our bank of solar panels and so both reduce our energy costs and make the pool more environmentally efficient.

"The award is a welcome boost to our efforts to address the serious financial problems that we have faced in recent months. We were of course disappointed that we did not receive funding in the first round of bids to the Swimming Pool Support Fund, which was aimed at helping pools facing rising costs, but have been heartened by the way the local community has rallied round to show their support for the pool in recent months.

“All our efforts to turn round a difficult financial situation are starting to bear fruit. We are by no means out of the wood and still need to make more efforts to ensure our long term future. But things are now looking better and this grant, whilst not directly related to day-to-day funding, does show a degree of support for the pool from this national body which is very welcome."

You can read the full Sport England announcement here:

The North Yorkshire Council statement is here: